Kingdom Institute Training Center is blessed to have an Advisory Board team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are their brief bio's.
Cynthia V. Jones
Lady Elder
Lady Cynthia Bowles Jones accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at the age of twelve. She is the wife of Bishop Van T. Jones Jr., founding pastor of the Abundant Word of God Church and Ministries in Brandywine, Maryland. She is the mother of two adult daughters and grandmother to three grandchildren. Lady Cynthia has co-labored in ministry with Bishop Van Jones since they founded the ministry in 2008.
She is the discipleship director at the Abundant Word of God Church Ministries and serves as assistant to the pastor. In this capacity, she presides over Holy Communion, leads prayer and ministers wherever needed. She is an ordained minister and holds a BS Degree in Biblical Studies and a Master’s Degree in Ministry and Church Leadership Studies. Her background includes prayer, discipleship, prison, and women’s ministry. She stands firm by the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20 and believes that it is the epitome of building the Kingdom of God.
Lady Cynthia served as spiritual enrichment leader for the Women’s Empowerment Ministry of the Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship International, Inc. (MCCFI) The MCCFI is a fellowship of independent churches and ministry leaders who have joined together for mutual strength and support. She has held leadership positions in the African Methodist Episcopal, Southern Baptist and non- denominational churches.
She retired from the Federal government after 30 years, as a Program Analyst after serving as grants administrator and liaison between the 50 States, Five Territories and the Federal government.
Rick Leysath
Prophet Rick Leysath is a native of Trenton, New Jersey but moved to the Washington D.C and Maryland area with his family and lived most of his life in the DMV. Graduated from Duval High School and right after graduation enlisted in the US Army. After a short stay in the military, he became an I.T. professional in the computer field.
Prophet Rick has been saved (born again) and filled with the Holy Spirit since 1989 and has continuously served in ministry. Prophet Rick has gone from cleaning the church to preaching in the church - serving as an ordained Deacon, and Minister and now serving as an ordained and license Elder and Prophet of God. He has also served in various compacities throughout the years, in prison ministries, street ministry, radio ministries, served as an adjutant (Armor Bearer) to leadership and has mentored many. Prophet Rick loves teaching the Word of God in all its Truth, always studying to show himself approved rightly dividing this Word of Truth. He is a serious worshipper and lover of Jesus and God the Father and loves all the brethren in Christ Jesus. Prophet Rick comes from Pentecostal roots and walks in Kingdom Authority and knowledge, anointed and called directly by God, prophesied and confirmed by other prophets to be God’s Seer and Holy Prophet.
God has called and given him this work called “P.R.O.O.F. OF GOD” Prophetic, Revelation, Overwhelming, Omnipotent, Fire of GOD - a ministry that has been declared by God (by His Holy Spirit) to reveal the Heart of the Father and the Power of His Holy Spirit by the Word of His Son (Jesus) by restoring the called people of God back to Kingdom Authority and Spiritual Inheritance, a place of Righteousness in Christ Jesus; to open the prisons; restore sight back to the blind, to heal the broken hearted and empower the Saints of God to walk forth in their destiny. One day the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me …… “For God has so loved the world and gave…… What about you?
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
Kevin L. Kelley
Husband and Family
Kevin has been married to Angel Kelley for over 27 years. And they have a beautiful daughter Layla Jade Kelley. Kevin and Angel are Certified Marriage Specialists since 2011 by National Association of Marriage Enhancement.
He has served in various levels in ministry since moving to Delaware in 1998. Kevin and his wife started a bible study affectionately called Manna which developed into a house church Royal Priesthood Worship Courts in September 2008. Kevin was ordained by ICCM (International Congress of Churches and Ministers) in 2009. And in 2012 they shifted and partnered with the House of Praise For All People which is located in Greenwood, Delaware. On June 7, 2015 He and His wife were commissioned by Senior Pastor Robert Muncy and the Leadership Team as the Directors of Pastoral Ministry. What an honor and responsibility they humbly accepted. On March 18, 2018, Kevin and Angel were commissioned by Global Alliance For Kingdom Advancement with the convening Apostle Robert Muncy into their Pastoral Ministry. They have launched Royal Priesthood Worship Courts a ministry that trains and develop people into kingly/priesthood realities.
Kevin served as the Executive Director of Prison Ministries of Delaware for 7 of the 8 years with this great organization. He also partnered with My Brother’s Keeper Mentorship Program located in James T Vaughn Correction Center Smyrna, DE.
Kevin L. Kelley is a certified life coach and the founder of Life by Design Coaching, a firm that focuses on delivering great value by helping families, individuals, business owners, and executives plan their goals. With over 30 years of professional and corporate IT experience, and as an U.S. Air Force Veteran, Kevin brings knowledge and proven ability to facilitate workshops, seminars, and trainings to his career as a Reentry Mentor, Trainer, and Certified Marriage and healthy relationship specialist. Driven by his great desire to help others, he makes his clients a priority and maintains the utmost level of professionalism by listening to their vision and working alongside them to achieve the best results. He loves spending time with his family, writing, and committing to the development of young men. Above all Kevin is a lover of Jesus!